If you did not experience Jerusalem before and you are in a good phisical shape you bettrer walk through the Old City, Mount Zion and the Mount of Olives.
Most of the streets in the 1 by 1 kilometer Old City are not accessible for cars and if you use a car you obviously have to go back to that car. If walking up the Mount of Olives is to much, you can use a taxi and walk down from the top. You can take a taxi from Jaffa gate, the Dung Gate / City of David, Damascus gate or the Lions gate. Costs will be around NIS 40 to Nis 60.
At getsemaneh, at the bottom of the Mount of Olives, there are taxi’s available to bring you back to Lions Gate. Costs will be NIS 40. It is a 10 to 15 minute walk going down and up through the valley.
You can Visit Yad Vashem with the Light Rail. Go to the last station and take a free shuttle from there.
For other sites it is recommended to use a driver tour guide.
*** Klik hier voor info over dagtoer Jeruzalem met Nederlandse gids *** Hi there and congratulations with your decision to visit Israel. I will be happy to share my time, knowledge and experiences with you if your goal is to have an interesting , pleasant and amusing stay in Israel. This is a truly unique destination because of its history, geography, biodiversity and political impact on the worl
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