On Sabbath (Friday afternoon-Saterday evening) there is no public transport, on other days you can take the train (about $4) to Tel Aviv but note that the train stops on the edge of Tel Aviv, from where you would need to take a bus (about $1.5) to your accommodation. Or take a taxi from the train station,about $15, if you are lucky and they switch the meter on, prepare for higher price.
A taxi from the airport will cost you about $30 and $50, depending on day and number of passengers/suitcases.
The following company is operating commercial shuttle services between Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv.
And this one only goes from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion Airport:

*** Klik hier voor info over dagtoer Jeruzalem met Nederlandse gids ***
Hi there and congratulations with your decision to visit Israel.
I will be happy to share my time, knowledge and experiences with you if your goal is to have an interesting , pleasant and amusing stay in Israel.
This is a truly unique destination because of its history, geography, biodiversity and political impact on the worl
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