There are two railway station in Delhi, from where in every 30 minute there is a train for Agra CANTT railway station AGRA.
How to book train ticket:
How to reach railway station in Delhi:
Hazrat Nizamuddin
Nizamuddin, K Block, Sector 18, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 110013
New Delhi
Bhavbhuti Marg, Kamla Market, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi, Delhi 110006
And if there is any problem then contact me any time.
+918958956564 , what’s app,Viber , Skype and telegram.
About Haider Ali, independent tour guide in India
I am a graduate in Indian History from Agra University and have diploma in Russian language. I started my career as a tour guide five years ago, when I was studying in college. My hobby of traveling made me a tour guide, which is really good for me because I just don't work as a tour guide but enjoy my work as well. I had to work in my 20s, because my father was a watch repairer, he had a shop in a very busy market of Agra which called Chipi Tola ,chipi means printing or dying. During the Mug
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Contact Haider Ali

I am a graduate in Indian History from Agra University and have diploma in Russian language. I started my career as a tour guide five years ago, when I was studying in college. My hobby of traveling made me a tour guide, which is really good for me because I just don't work as a tour guide but enjoy my work as well. I had to work in my 20s, because my father was a watch repairer, he had a shop in a very busy market of Agra which called Chipi Tola ,chipi means printing or dying. During the Mug
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Contact Haider Ali