A very unknown part of the Greek art to the western world is the post-byzantine church painting. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 the church art more and more looses its supernatural and divine character. The holy figures become less well-shaped. The colours are usually darker. However, during the first two centuries the Byzantine style still survives to a great extent. The greatest example is the monk Theophanes from Crete (16th century), who also adopts some characteristics of the Italian art. Regardless of this fact, the Byzantine tradition is more intense. He has made excellent works, still preserved in monasteries of Meteora and Holy Mount Athos. In Crete the church painters create a very beautiful style, consisted of intensely mixed Italian and Byzantine characteristics (Italo-Byzantine style), due to the long period of the Venetian occupation, which lasted in 1669. The finest example is the portable icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God by El Greco, preserved in the Dormition church, in the Greek island of Syros. The painters of the Ionian islands immitate the European Baroque art. In the Ottoman Empire, due to the first attempts towards westernization and some very fruitful commercial treaties, signed with the European kingdoms in the 18th century, the commercial, as well as the cultural interference of the Greeks with the West is intense. This leads to a special style, a folklore art, which is characterized, for example, by the mixture of many intense colours or specially unnatural figures, combined with some characteristics of the European art. A very good example is the medal of the photo (19th century), which depicts Prophet Daniel. It is remarkable that the white frame is an influence from the Rococo art. This circular icon has been placed above a column in the central aisle of the church of St. Athanasius the Great in Thessaloniki (87 Egnatias str., city center).

I organize FREE (without expecting absolutely any tip) guided tours in one of the most historical churches of Thessaloniki, the church of St. Athanasius the Great (July-September, every Wednesday at 10:00 am in English)! The church is located in the city center (87 Egnatias str.). I explain its history, the parts of an orthodox church building, our church art and the various symbolisms. EVERYONE WHO WANTS A TOUR OF THE CHURCH ON AN OTHER DAY CAN CONTACT ME!
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