Few places to visit in Addis Ababa National Museum of Ethiopia – Here, among a number of historical, archaeological and cultural artifacts visit some of the oldest stone tools human beings ever used, and fossil remains of animals and hominids including the fossil remains of Lucy (3.18 million years old). Holy Trinity Cathedral – this is the most important religious …
Your Private Tour Guide Highlights for Private Tour Morning tour in the Louvre (9.30am-12.30pm) Start: You meet at 9.30am, the guide picks up from your hôtel. 1. From the hôtel, you’ll take the public transportation with your guide, and learn how to take the metro (subway) in Paris. It is also possible to take a taxi or Uber from …
Net als Eliza ga ik soms rechts waar iedereen linksaf gaat. In de geboortekerk in Bethlehem staat links voor de plek waar Jezus geboren is. Ga je echter naar rechts dan kom je onder de kerk bij een grot vol met schedels en botten. Schedeltjes van de infanticide die Koning Herodus gepleegt zou hebben op alle kinderen onder de 2 …
Temple Mount is probably the most contested piece of real estate in the world. Today the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque stand there. But what are the origins of this important place and why does everyone want “a piece of the rock”? Temple Mount is actually a mountain called Mount Moriah. It is believed that parts …
Hello, I want to talk about The Ecole du Louvre ( Louvre School), which is an institution of higher education that offers courses in art history, archeology, epigraphy, history of civilizations, anthropology and museology. The School is located in Paris, in the Palais du Louvre. Founded in 1882, it has the status of a public administrative institution under the Ministry …
You might have been asking yourself what else to do after Sipi falls Tour, there are so many different activities to do here alongside Sipi Falls Tour, they include; Abseiling and rock climbing, coffee Tour, Hiking, Nature Walks, Mountain Biking, Community and cultural Tours, motorcycle riding / learning through the green beautiful landscape About Benjani, professional tour guide …
My visitors today were telling me about the last time they were in Paris. And they remembered something really well. You know how sometimes a small detail stays in your memory and it is just captured forever ? One day in Paris, in the Jewish area, they decided to eat in one of the local restaurants. The people were sitting …
After taking refuge in the Ottoman Empire for a long period, the Camondos will develop their bank, and open a branch of the bank in Paris at the end of the Second Empire, in the id eighteen hundreds. In the 19th century, Count Moïse de Camondo started an exceptional collection of eighteenth-century furniture, which he bequeathed to the French nation. He …
Waarom Met Menno naar Jeruzalem? Zoek je een dagtoer in het Nederlands dan heb je geen andere keuze. Maar ook als dat niet het belangrijkste is beleef je met mij een dag Jeruzalem die anderen je niet kunnen geven. Die vertrekken zeer vroeg, brengen je naar een soevenirwinkel, gaan met grote groepen en hebben haast. Met mij heb je een …
Joden hebben 613 regels uit de bijbel gehaald, nul daarvan gaan over het verkeer en dat is te merken. Houdt er rekening mee dat iedereen hier zeer egoistisch en a-sociaal wordt zodra ze achter het stuur zitten. Voorrang geef je hier niet, maar neem je en probeer de spitstijden in en rond de grote steden te vermijden. Denk eraan dat …