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Jaffa & Early Tel Aviv-Full Day Walking Tour

Jaffa is one of the oldest port cities in the world. Jaffa has a place in Greek mythology in the story of Andromeda, in the Hebrew Bible as the place from which Jonah sailed before being swallowed by the whale, and in the New Testament as where the miracle of rising of Tabitha took place and the home of Simon the Tanner. The city has been conquered and ruled by ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamelukes, Turks, British and the State of Israel. Why, even Napoleon conquered the city for a time. With all these cultures leaving their mark on the city there sure is a lot to see.

In the middle of the 19th century the living conditions within Jaffa’s walls became unbearable so neighborhoods started popping up outside the walls to the north. Later, a neighborhood was established which cut its ties to Jaffa – this was the humble beginning of Tel Aviv, the “First Modern Hebrew City” as it was referred to in those early days.

Although Tel Aviv was only founded in 1909 it is already considered one of the world’s great cities. Some of the neighborhoods which were founded earlier, such as Neveh Tzedek and Neveh Shalom later joined the municipality.

This tour will start in Jaffa and end in the historic part of Tel Aviv, covering about 5000 years of history-not bad for one day!

See the itineraries for the two half day tours to see where we will be going.

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Jaffa & Early Tel Aviv-Full Day Walking Tour





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