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In the Footsteps of the Crusaders

In this tour, I will pick you up from your place of stay, then drive along the Western Coastline of Israel.

We shall make a first stop to Caesarea, a very important archeological site, a city that was the capital of the Land of Israel for over 600 years (during the Roman and Byzantine periods), with a long history of about 2000 years starting from King Herod until the Ottoman rule. The once vast Byzantine city was rebuilt by King Louis IX of France with defence walls and gates during the Crusades period.

After Caesarea, we will continue north to Akko, the Saint-John of Acre of the Crusaders. We will visit the Hospitaliers Complex, the Templars tunnel, the Italian communa's, the Pisan port, and various other places connected to the Crusades. We will also look at Napoleon's strategy to take the city (with failure) and will visit other locations related to the Ottoman period.

On the way back, and depending on the time, we may stop in other places on the road.

In the following page from my website, you will find a visual summary of the most known sites related to the Crusades in Israel => In the Footsteps of the Crusades

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In the Footsteps of the Crusaders




Per tour

Minimum number of persons:


Maximum number of persons:



Guidance with Door-to-Door Day Tour incl. car transport, car parks, petrol, tour insurance, entrance fee to Caesarea and Akko


Food & Drink