Ethiopian High Land Tours
An unforgettable trek through the remote splendour of themagnificent Simien region.Often compared for its scenic beauty to the Grand Canyon, theSimien Mountains National Park is one of the major highlandsof Africa. Its peaks include Ras Dashen, which at 4533m is thehighest peak in Ethiopia.The Park is a World Heritage Site, and is rich with wildlifetotally unique to the region, including the scarlet-chestedGelada Baboon, the Alia Ibex and the Simien Fox. Themountains are also home to diverse plant-life and over fiftyspecies of bird.
Day-By- Day itinerary
Day 01 - Gondar to Sankaber:
You will depart early morning from Gondar to Debark. In debark you will arrange your visit with the park office and receive a scout and guide then drive into the park to arrive at Sankaber. You can either drive all the way in to Sankaber or have the car drop you off near Buyit Ras for a short hike. If you choose to hike in you will take in beautiful views of the landscape and the endless mountain ridges, and you likely see some gelada baboons. When you arrive in Sankaber you will be met with your supplies. Sankaber will be the first campsite on your trip.
Day 02 - Sankaber to Geech Camp:
From Sankaber you will begin hiking following the ridge and look out over the foothills 800m down. From the ridge you will descend down into the valley and be able to view the Jinbar River plunging into the Geech Abyss. After some time at the waterfall you will continue on to Geech village where you will find your second campsite.
Day 03 - Geech to Imet Gogo to Siha Gorge to Keda Dit to Geech:
After breakfast at geech campsite you will hike through the grass plateau that are home to the, appropriately titled, Giant Lobelia plants. After about 2 hours you will reach Imet Gogo which is an amazing 360 degree view of the Simien Mountains. Here you will have reached an altitude of 3,926m and be able to look out at the amazing landscape from 360 degrees. At this height and view point you can see the canyon below, distant ridges, and view the seemingly never ending valleys. From here you will return to Geech, but first you will pass through Siha Gorge for a lunch break. When you arrive back at Geech you will have time to relax from the hike. Before nightfall you will have the option of taking a short sunset hike to Keda Dit. You will spend the night back at Geech.
Day 04 - Geech to Innatye to Chennek:
After breakfast at Geech you start your 7 hour hike to one of the most spectacular passing in the mountains. From the campsite you will walk SE towards Innatye where you will descend into a forest of Giant Hazel and through the ridgelines open grasslands. After climbing up to Innatye to view the vertical drop you will see why locals named it to mean mama mia. Here you will have lunch and continue on towards Chennek where you will be able to view the wildlife like, Walia Ibex and Gelada baboons, and plant life. Chennek will be your campsite for the night.
Day 05 - Chenneck to Ambiko:
After breakfast you will hike for 2 hours and summit the Buwahit pass (4,200m). From here you can look out towards your hike for tomorrow, Ras Dashen. You will follow the path down towards Meseha valley and cross a river and back up again towards Ambiko where you will camp for the night.
Day 06 - Ambiko to Ras Dashen to Ambiko:
The big trek to the peak of Ras Dashen will begin with an early morning walk through the main valley before sunrise. Then you will start ascending the mountain with a steep climb amidst the Giant Lobelia plants. The last part of the hike will likely be very challenging, but very rewarding when you are able to reach the highest point in Ethiopia. At 4,543m you will have amazing views of the immense landscape. After approximately 8-9 hours of hiking for the day you will arrive at Ambiko campsite for the night.
Day 07 - Ambiko to Sona:
Today you will hike 9 hours form ambiko down into the Meseha river and up to the Arkwazye village. Here you will arrive at the Sona campsite and be able to take in the view of the first portion of the trek.
Day 08 - Sona to Mekareba:
From Sona you will reach a valley called Incya Vally and descend into the lowlands. After lunch at the Incya River you will have time for a swim before heading out for another hike along the banks of the river to Mekarbe campsite where you will stay for the night.
Day 09 - Markerba to Mulet:
The walk from Markerba to Mulet brings you along the riverbed of the Incya River and provides amazing opportunities to see numerous birds. Pin-tailed waders, village indigo paradise monarchs and tropical bobu can all be spotted here. Lunch break will be at Derkwenth pool where you can have another chance to take a swim before climbing to the Awazza village. Here you can find the spectacular Awazza Table Mountain and then hike to the last campsite at Mulet.
Day 10 - Mulet to Gondar:
At Mulet campsite you will have breakfast and take a 3 hour walk to Adi Arkaye where a vehicle will meet you to bring you back to Gondar.
10-Day trekking Tours
Ethiopian High Land Tours
Per person
Minimum number of persons:
Maximum number of persons:
hotel booking, Giude, entrance free, car 4will drive or minibus 2018-9 models, Dinner, other special interest is on your request!
ale colic beverages, breakfast, lunch